Colored Lights Overhead Lead to Missing Time,

A Wounded Deer with a Black Patch Over Its Eye,

and Something Like a Bobcat Watching...

My experience happened somewhere around 1980 or 81 when I was either a Junior or Senior in high school in Wilkes-Barre, PA. My girlfriend at the time and I decided to take a drive on a secluded highway leading to a place called Bald Mountain just outside of Wilkes-Barre. What happened on that drive still baffles and haunts me to this day because I know something out of the ordinary happened but I can't remember all of the details.

What I do remember is that while driving on this secluded highway where on either side of the road were miles and miles of Pennsylvania State Games Lands, we happened upon extreme bright intense colorful lights flashing wildly and with great intensity. I refused to say anything to my girlfriend because I was trying to rationalize what I was seeing when she let out a screme "Bobby what is that"? I responded with terror in my voice that I didn't know. We then saw a pick-up truck coming in the opposite direction with the person on the passenger side hanging out the window shining a flashlight in the sky, I guess trying to see what was above them. The lights were just above the tree tops flashing wildly however I never did see any craft except that I knew something other than a helicopter was up there.

What happened next seems to be very fuzzy in my mind. The next thing I recall is that I had a weird sensation that I woke up following these lights as they were disappearing in the clouds still flashing there different colored lights. I remember that we watched the lights disappear in the clouds while parked at a fork in the road when I asked my girl-friend if she wanted to follow the lights. She was extremly upset by then, and demanded that I take her home immediately.

What followed next was also very strange. As we began to drive home we happened upon what appeared to be a wounded deer crossing the road. The deer appeared to have a broken leg and was limping accross the road in front of us. It was a very weird experience watching that deer. It looked as though it had a black patch over its eye and I felt extreme sorrow for this wounded deer.

Well, we watched as the deer disappeared into the forest after crossing the road. Just a few hundred feet from the deer, I saw what appeared to be a bob cat disappear into the woods, only it did not cross the road but was off to the side of the road. It all seemed very strange even at the time watching all of this.

It also occured to me that somehow it got very late in the evening like around 11:00, and I couldn't understand why---it just seemed odd. I do not recall any abduction nor do pictures of little grey men with big black eyes stir any emotion in me nor has my then girlfriend and I ever talked about this experience even to this day! Something inside of me told me that I shouldn't bring it up. But this whole experience still bothers me to this day because I know deep down inside that something out the ordinary happened to both of us that night. I haven't been involved in anything like that since but I do believe there is something behind my left ear. Why? Because I just know there is. I have experienced great pain when I rake a brush over that area at times, and there is an innate feeling that there is something there.

Well, there it is. I have no explanation just unanswered questions. However, I believe I am brave enough to face this. I am a deeply religious guy, however I am not narrow minded. When I look out into the stars or look at the pyramids in Egypt or hear stories from our Native American Indian brothers, I know that we are not all that there is to God's creation. I just wonder if these beings are of Evil or of Good origin. The Bible is full of mysteries such as the Sons of God conceiving children with the Daughters of Men, the chariot of fire that came down and took Enoch, the Leviathon, the Bohemouth. Well, I welcome your response!

The above story is a classic! Lonely road, strange colored lights overhead, missing time, great fear of something unknown, not wanting to talk about it afterwards, etc., etc. What makes this encounter event even more interesting is that you saw, and remembered, something that looked like a 'wounded deer with a black patch over its eye limping across the road' and something that looked like a 'bobcat' watching it all from the side of the road. Later, you discover a peculiar bump behind your left ear.

All of this fits the 'abduction' pattern exactly. But what you consciously remember is only the 'tip of the iceberg', three-fourths of your memory of this event laying buried in your subconscious mind. Only by association, or hypnotic regression, will you remember the rest. Sometimes just reading other peoples stories' will trigger a flashback and images will start to come, filling in the blanks of missing time. You may also start to remember through your dreams. Do you really believe that was a 'wounded deer' and 'bobcat'? I think you don't...

To answer your question, the phenomona itself is beyond 'good' and 'evil'. Don't interpret a frightening, painful experience of the unknown kind as 'evil' until you understand it more. Take comfort in your religious faith, but remember that this is beyond religion. As you read what others like ourselves are saying, you will quickly come to the conclusion that you are not alone. It happened, it is happening still. The research shows that encounters begin usually during the first year of your life, and continue at five year intervals thereafter. There is nothing any of us can do about it, and as we come to understand it more, we realize there is nothing we SHOULD do about it.

Thank you for sharing your story with us! -- Editor